KES-SDM-25 International Programme Committee

The role of the IPC is as follows:-
  • To advise on the organisation of the conference;
  • To promote the conference and bring it to the attention of other researchers;
  • To advise on the topics of the conference;
  • To help with the paper review process
  • To assist in monitoring overall quality.
We are grateful for their valuable assistance.

The IPC consists of the following members and, in addition, all Invited Session Chairs.

KES-SDM-25 IPC Members

Name Affiliation
Prof. Peter Ball York University,UK 
Dr. Marco Bortolini Bologna University, Italy 
Prof. Leszek Borzemski Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland 
Dr. Mia Delic University of Zagreb, Croatia 
Dr. Ahmed Elkaseer The British University, Egypt 
Dr. Daniel Eyers Cardiff University 
Prof. Francesco Facchini Polytechnic University of Bari 
Prof. Claudio Favi Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy 
Dr. Ernesto Santibanez-Gonzalez University of Talca, Chile 
Prof. Haihong Huang Hefei University of Technology 
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Junk University of Applied Sciences Offenburg 
Prof. Dr. Ong Soh Khim National University of Singapore 
Assoc. Prof. Giuseppe Ingarao University of Palermo 
Assoc. Prof. Daniele Landi University of Bergamo, Italy 
Prof. Susan Lattanzio University of Bath 
Dr Chi Hieu Le University of Greenwich 
Dr. Huaizhong Li Griffith University 
Dr. Soon Chong Johnson Lim Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia 
Professor Jill MacBryde University of Strathclyde, UK 
Prof. Marco Mandolini Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy 
Prof. Marco Marconi Università degli Studi della Tuscia 
Dr. James Moultrie University of Cambridge 
Dr Mohamed Osmani Loughborough University, UK 
Professor Linda Newnes University of Bath 
Dr. Michael Packianather Cardiff University 
Dr. Emanuele Pagone Cranfield University, Uk 
Dr Carinna Parraman University of the West of England 
Assoc. Prof. Paolo C. Priarone Politecnico di Torino, Italy 
Prof. Davide Russo University of Bergamo, Italy 
Dr. Steffen G. Scholz Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 
Dr. Cristian Spreafico University of Bergamo, Italy 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhinan Zhang Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 
Prof. Yuchun Xu Aston University