KES-SDM-25 International Programme Committee
The role of the IPC is as follows:-- To advise on the organisation of the conference;
- To promote the conference and bring it to the attention of other researchers;
- To advise on the topics of the conference;
- To help with the paper review process
- To assist in monitoring overall quality.
The IPC consists of the following members and, in addition, all Invited Session Chairs.
Name | Affiliation |
Prof. Peter Ball  | York University,UK  |
Dr. Marco Bortolini  | Bologna University, Italy  |
Prof. Leszek Borzemski  | Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland  |
Dr. Mia Delic  | University of Zagreb, Croatia  |
Dr. Ahmed Elkaseer  | The British University, Egypt  |
Dr. Daniel Eyers  | Cardiff University  |
Prof. Francesco Facchini  | Polytechnic University of Bari  |
Prof. Claudio Favi  | Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy  |
Dr. Ernesto Santibanez-Gonzalez  | University of Talca, Chile  |
Prof. Haihong Huang  | Hefei University of Technology  |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Junk  | University of Applied Sciences Offenburg  |
Prof. Dr. Ong Soh Khim  | National University of Singapore  |
Assoc. Prof. Giuseppe Ingarao  | University of Palermo  |
Assoc. Prof. Daniele Landi  | University of Bergamo, Italy  |
Prof. Susan Lattanzio  | University of Bath  |
Dr Chi Hieu Le  | University of Greenwich  |
Dr. Huaizhong Li  | Griffith University  |
Dr. Soon Chong Johnson Lim  | Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia  |
Professor Jill MacBryde  | University of Strathclyde, UK  |
Prof. Marco Mandolini  | Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy  |
Prof. Marco Marconi  | Università degli Studi della Tuscia  |
Dr. James Moultrie  | University of Cambridge  |
Dr Mohamed Osmani  | Loughborough University, UK  |
Professor Linda Newnes  | University of Bath  |
Dr. Michael Packianather  | Cardiff University  |
Dr. Emanuele Pagone  | Cranfield University, Uk  |
Dr Carinna Parraman  | University of the West of England  |
Assoc. Prof. Paolo C. Priarone  | Politecnico di Torino, Italy  |
Prof. Davide Russo  | University of Bergamo, Italy  |
Dr. Steffen G. Scholz  | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology  |
Dr. Cristian Spreafico  | University of Bergamo, Italy  |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhinan Zhang  | Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China  |
Prof. Yuchun Xu  | Aston University  |